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J Susan Aitken
May 9, 2018
Kittygoyle as Promised
Kittygoyle: Study in Self-Control (18x24" oil on canvas) is ready to be seen, as promised last week. This is part of a "gargoyle" series,...

J Susan Aitken
Mar 15, 2018
...Other paintings have more direct connections to my personal experiences and are more intentional. For example, Tranquil Garden is inspire

J Susan Aitken
Mar 2, 2018
Frogoyle visits Madonna
Well, we can always hope that the March idiom "comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" stays true to form, since the lion part...

J Susan Aitken
Feb 22, 2018
Sneak Peak
I have been very busy lately, painting, planning, painting some more! Still on the easel, this little guy has a bit more to go before...

J Susan Aitken
Feb 8, 2018
Introducing the Frogoyle
Frogoyle: Escape from Washington Cathedral (18 x 24", oil on canvas) has just hopped off the easel. Fun for me was the frogoyle, inspired...
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