Hello everyone! Are you getting the snow like we are here in Michigan? If so, I hope you all are snug in your homes safe and sound, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate. I'm still up to my elbows in frosting, gingerbread and chocolate - not a bad place to be! However, I thought it was time to give you another hint for our contest.
For those of you joining the conversation today, I have a little contest going on. I am posting photos of my 2017 gingerbread house in-the-making and inviting you to guess what it is going to be. You are not too late, because no one has gotten it yet.
There are two parts to the theme, and the person who guesses either one (I decided it was too hard to guess both) first will win the great little notebook shown at the right. It has my latest painting Poinsettias on the front cover.
If you want another hint about what it will not be, check out past Aitken gingerbread houses on the website. Scroll down and take a stab at it in the Comments. Good luck!