Arts for the Spirit is a program of rotating art exhibitions that has been implemented in the Beaumont Hospitals in Southeast Michigan. Its goal is "to provide a restorative atmosphere that renews the human spirit..." I am pleased to have twenty-four of my paintings selected to participate in the Beaumont Arts for the Spirit exhibit from April 19 until July 12. This collection will be displayed at Beaumont hospitals in Grosse Pointe, Trenton and Dearborn.

Spring is trying really hard to come to Michigan - I can tell by the green sprouts peeking out of the ground, as if to test the air. I was kind of like that today. I opened the door... ooh, some sun... took a tentative step onto the door mat...a blast of freezing wind threatened to grab the screen door. The sun was a tease! So I closed the door on my spring walk. Of course the poor plants are pretty committed. I always feel sorry when they get caught in an April snowfall.
That brings me to the painting on my easel. I am working on finishing the series of the Seasons. The one I am working on is Glimpse of Winter and I am painting a Helleborus, also called Christmas Rose or Lenten Rose. Apparently, this hardy plant blooms early winter in mild climates and late winter to early spring in colder areas. And it can survive a bit of snow! It's a beautiful flower, deserving of a painting!
These are the first of the Seasons series, Glimpse of Spring with Lily of the Valley and Glimpse of Autumn with Black Eyed Susan. The quatrefoil shape is not only symbolic of the four seasons but also acts as a keyhole through which we glimpse the constancy of creation.