The bright greens and temperatures in the 70's gives evidence that Michigan can finally say that spring has sprung! And with spring, the Visual Arts Association of Livonia, of which I am a member, always has a juried exhibit. The spring exhibit is held at the Bennett Civic Center Library Fine Arts Gallery, where I held my solo show in March, and was juried by Jean-Paul Aboudib, a notable local award winning artist and instructor (jeanpaul-art.com). Last night exhibit awards were presented at the artist reception, mini-cheesecakes and cookies devoured, and a fine time was had by all!
The exhibit will be up until June 28, but I thought it would be fun to share some of the art pieces with you here. Each of these received ribbons (click on them to see artist name and artwork title). My entries were Tranquil Garden and Frogoyle: Escape from Washington Cathedral. If you can make it out to see the exhibit in person, even better!