Welcome back to my blog! And happy fall! It's my all time favorite season. Have you ever noticed the plants and bushes along the side of the road all of a sudden speak up? The sweeping range of greens turn deep red, bronze, gold, burnt sienna, yellow ochre, venetian red, olive green, burnt umber, crimson. So interesting and beautiful!
During this month an exhibit highlighting my art was scheduled at the Novi Atrium; however, like many venues, they have suspended their exhibits. The show is rescheduled for November 2021. In the meantime, the recreation supervisor compiled several collages of my paintings to be displayed virtually on the City of Novi's social media.

Westland City Hall Exhibit
Here is a photo gallery of my last exhibit at the Westland City Hall (click on the arrow > to the right).
For those who know about my gingerbread history, you may be interested to know that I am beginning work on Gingerbread House 2020. Yay! Because I was up to my neck with two commissioned paintings last year, I wasn't able to fit a gingerbread house into the schedule. This year is another story. I have even volunteered to make a presentation in December for the Three Cities Art Club on creative gingerbread houses (houses is used loosely here)! So I am committed - the pressure is on. I'll keep you updated.
On another personal note, my grand baby James is getting bigger! Isn't he sweet?
